Sunday, June 22, 2008

Yesterday was the day that I took the YELT test. As it was an important day, I set the alarm clock to 7:00 am in advance. In the morning, the alarm did go off but I accidentally switched it off and continued to sleep. Fortunately, my biological clock reminded me of the test and when I finally got up, it was a quarter to 8:00 am. I was shocked but felt a little bit relieved because I still had some time before the exam. I sprang out of bed and rushed to the washroom. When everything was done, it was 8:00, then I rushed to the bus station. Because it was Saturday, there were few buses and I had to wait for a long time for a single bus to come. When I arrived York, it was around 8:55 am, so again, I rushed to the building where the exam would take place. While rushing, I also had to look at the map because I had forgotten to look at it in advance. Finally, I made it: I got to the exam room in time -- and there were some other people who also nearly late like me. The exam room was a lecture hall which was kind of small and I think nearly half of the hall were YUELI students. Finally, the test started; it was funny that as soon as I got the question sheet, I couldn't understand the passages and spend quite a long time trying to figure out what the main idea was. It was something about people's attitude towards the idea of television. Honestly speaking, it was hard to understand; I had to reread it again and again. I was stuck on the last question of the reading part and there was little time left. However, I managed to finish it but I'm not sure that all the answer made any sense. Then, in the writing part, I also finished just seconds away from the final time. Nevertheless, I was surprised that I could finish the short essay in half an hour with nothing prepared in my head. I'm sure that this is because we did a lot of writing in class and I had improved my writing speed. However, I can't guarantee that I'll pass this part of the test becuase I was focusing on filling words in the sheet rather than constructing the right answer; leaving blank space would deduct my points. After the exam, I was relieved that the exam was over. York was so quiet and there were nearly no students on the campus. Somehow, I was happy because I didn't miss it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I do not like hot weather. However, after I arrived in Canada, I realized that I do not really enjoy cold weather either. I had longed for the summer in Toronto for a long time and yet it still eluded me. Nevertheless, through these days I have found that the weather is becoming warmer and warmer. I said to myself - Finally, summer has arrived! Last Sunday, I and two of my roommates went to a place near Dundas station; I cannot remember the street name, but it was a kind of Festival. We left at 1.30pm after having lunch. To my surprise, when I stepped out of the station, it reminded me of my hometown. The temperature was about 31* and it was very hot and humid; moreover, I was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans! The sun didn't seem friendly that day, and as we walked along the street, there stood a lot of shops on the right side of the street.

Everybody was having fun with families and friends, they were walking under the sun while we were walking in the shade. There were a variety of shops, each selling their unique goods. I'm sure that the one who sold drinks was making a profit! As we walked, we saw a crowd of people sitting on the platform and enjoying the Mexican music(my guess). That was my first time listening to that kind of song and I liked it. Their guitars were a little bit different from what I've seen. There, some guys were taking off their shirts, and some were drinking. We got up after listening to two songs and continued to walk down the street. There were also one or two small music bands entertaining people. Actually, the road was not very long, and we could see the end of the shops from a distance after we had walked for about 15 minutes. Again, I saw a crowd gathering at the corner of the street. With curiosity, I went into the crowd and I found a man trying to put pieces of rocks onto each other. It was very interesting; he just put the rocks on top of each other without any help and managed to form stacks of rocks on the street. Then, we reached the end and we bought hotdogs and headed to the station. If the weather were a little bit cooler, it would have been a perfect holiday. However, I could feel happiness in the people despite the scorching sunlight. It has been a wonderful weekend for me for I don't usually go out on the weekend.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Once upon a time in CLH A: Memories from the "Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences" lecture hall.

Today, after my class in the afternoon, I and Blake went to the NEXUS to see whether there were any lectures for today. Fortunately, we saw one lecture which started at 2 pm and we decided to go there. However, when we carefully looked up the sign up sheet, we saw that it was already full. Nevertheless, we didn't change our minds and jotted down the lecture hall location and professor's name, and after that we went to the food court to have lunch. On the way to the food court, we bumped into Terry, and later found out that we were on the same ship. Then, we had lunch and conversation together without noticing the time. It was about a quarter to two when we realized that we had to go to the lecture hall. However, it didn't take us a lot of time to find the hall. We arrived before the lecture started and decided to go as far as we could from the professor. After some time, we saw the professor coming into the hall and we knew right away that he was an old professor and maybe a strict one. He started off by explaining about limits. At first, I had no idea what he was talking about because I hadn't been in touch with Maths since I finished my high shcool and plus, I was not good at Maths, either. However, later on, I somehow realized that although I had studied something like that before, I still couldn't understand it. Moreover, I couldn't catch up with his English. I have no intention to insult this professor, but sometimes, his English was not clear enough for me to understand. I found out one thing, that there were more Asian and Middle Eastern students there than in the lecture that I had attended before. Some student seemed to be understanding everything and, as usual, some students were doing what they wanted to do. This professor somehow liked to ask students some questions and ask them to go up to the front and write something. He showed some charts to the students, which I think helped a lot of the students to understand better what he was teaching. All of a sudden, the professor pointed at Terry and told him to come up to the stage to write something. I was shocked, too; I thought he was calling on me. Having no choice, Terry went near to the Professor and told him that he was a YUELI student. The professor seemed like he didn't know what YUELI was and asked him what that was. Suddenly, I heard the professor say, "You come here for English!!" and the whole lecture hall burst into laughter. I couldn't imagine what I would do if I were in his place; that would be such an awkward situation for me that I would be like a 'retarded cockroach', without knowing what to do next. However, my friend Terry managed to come back to the seat without writing anything. I am sure that he also felt very awkward to be laughed at in front of the hall. However, it had been a scary and funny lecture experience for me and of course for Terry.