Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I do not like hot weather. However, after I arrived in Canada, I realized that I do not really enjoy cold weather either. I had longed for the summer in Toronto for a long time and yet it still eluded me. Nevertheless, through these days I have found that the weather is becoming warmer and warmer. I said to myself - Finally, summer has arrived! Last Sunday, I and two of my roommates went to a place near Dundas station; I cannot remember the street name, but it was a kind of Festival. We left at 1.30pm after having lunch. To my surprise, when I stepped out of the station, it reminded me of my hometown. The temperature was about 31* and it was very hot and humid; moreover, I was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans! The sun didn't seem friendly that day, and as we walked along the street, there stood a lot of shops on the right side of the street.

Everybody was having fun with families and friends, they were walking under the sun while we were walking in the shade. There were a variety of shops, each selling their unique goods. I'm sure that the one who sold drinks was making a profit! As we walked, we saw a crowd of people sitting on the platform and enjoying the Mexican music(my guess). That was my first time listening to that kind of song and I liked it. Their guitars were a little bit different from what I've seen. There, some guys were taking off their shirts, and some were drinking. We got up after listening to two songs and continued to walk down the street. There were also one or two small music bands entertaining people. Actually, the road was not very long, and we could see the end of the shops from a distance after we had walked for about 15 minutes. Again, I saw a crowd gathering at the corner of the street. With curiosity, I went into the crowd and I found a man trying to put pieces of rocks onto each other. It was very interesting; he just put the rocks on top of each other without any help and managed to form stacks of rocks on the street. Then, we reached the end and we bought hotdogs and headed to the station. If the weather were a little bit cooler, it would have been a perfect holiday. However, I could feel happiness in the people despite the scorching sunlight. It has been a wonderful weekend for me for I don't usually go out on the weekend.


Don said...

You should go out on the weekends more! I don't know why YUELI students just stay in their rooms on the weekends and play video games and watch movies. It's not that hard to go out to places. You have to "get the feel" of a place where English is the language, or it isn't really an "immersion" experience (especially in Toronto, where most YUELI students can speak their native languages every minute that they are not in class if they wish to.

Looking at the picturtes, it looks like you were on Bloor Street West, between Spadina and Bathurst. That's the area called "the Annex" and it is the neighborhood near the U of T. (It isn't actually near Dundas Station at all -- it would be Spadina or Bathurst Stations on the Green Line). It's a neighborhood full of students and professors, and writers and artists, too.

Payam's Journal said...

wow i was really enjow in those picture, did u take those picture, its unblieveable, those poeple are very talented and they are amazing in that job.